An Orthodontic Consultation

This is usually the first step in helping you or your child to achieve your dental goals and to overcome any dental issues and concerns you may have.

In this appointment we discuss in detail your exact needs and requirements. We want to fully understand what is causing you a problem and what types of treatment you are looking for.

See also: Multifaceted Approach | Helping With Anxiety | Improving Your Smile

We also want to understand if you have any other issues preventing you from continuing with treatment such as school timings or if the treatment is for yourself then you may have a busy work schedule. We want to be able to establish a Treatment Plan that integrates comfortably with your lifestyle.

During the consultation, we will discuss all the various options and choices available to you. We can provide you with a professional opinion as to the best course of action we can take and advise as to the best way forward for you.

The next stage after an initial Consultation is to have an Examination appointment. This is where we will look in further detail as to what exactly is happening in your child’s mouth. We will take accurate measurements and various diagnostics to facilitate the discovery process.

Our Specialist Orthodontist will then create your Customized Treatment Plan.

On many occasions to save time, if requested in advance, we can book both the Consultation and the Examination appointments at the same time.

Next: Examination & Assessment